Widget 2.x Customization

17 minutes to integrate

Uploadcare widget and dialog are shown on your web app and we understand the importance of seamless look and feel. There always was possibility to modify widget appearance through CSS and starting with version 0.16.0 we extend customization features.

Embed Dialog in Page

By default after user clicks on Uploadcare widget, modal dialog is shown covering the rest of page with semi-transparent background. This is ok if upload field is one of many in a form. But if upload is main action for the page (e.g. wizard step) initial click becomes unnecessary. For this case we allow showing uploading panel directly on the page.

<div id="v2-uploader-placeholder">Uploading. Please wait...</div>

In this case panel will replace DOM element with v2-uploader-placeholder id and return it back after user have chosen a file. This can be used to show some indication of upload process. Another difference is that unlike dialog, panel can be closed only by choosing a file.


The panel may look ugly as it has sharp border, but you can change it’s appearance via CSS. Add something like this:

.uploadcare-dialog-panel {
  background: transparent;
  border: 0;
.uploadcare-dialog-panel {
  padding-left: 0;
.uploadcare-dialog-tabs {
  float: none;
  width: auto;
  height: auto;
  overflow: hidden;
  margin-left: 0;
.uploadcare-dialog-tab {
  width: 50px;
  margin: 0 10px 10px 0;
  float: left;
.uploadcare-dialog-source-base-wrap {
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;
  height: 400px;
.uploadcare-dialog-file-sources {
  display: none;
.uploadcare-dialog-camera-holder {
  height: 350px;
.uploadcare-dialog-camera-video {
  max-height: 350px;

Some of the dialog elements are rendered inside iframes from our servers, therefore their customization via CSS is not available. But you can use tabsCss methods to inject CSS inside iframes.

Custom Tabs

When you are happy with how dialog or panel looks, you may want to change its behavior. Now you can add your own tabs to it to have full control. To do this you need to register a named tab and specify its name in list of enabled tabs.

<div id="v2-uploader-placeholder">Uploading. Please wait...</div>
function favoriteFiles(container, button, dialogApi, settings) {
uploadcare.registerTab('favorites', favoriteFiles);
uploadcare.openPanel('#v2-uploader-placeholder', null, {
  tabs: 'favorites file facebook dropbox gdrive instagram vk',
  favoriteFiles: [...]

Suppose you need a tab with the list of previously uploaded images. You can pass a list of file ids via settings object. When user selects a file you can inform dialog via dialogApi.

function favoriteFiles(container, button, dialogApi, settings) {
  $.each(settings.favoriteFiles, function(i, uuid) {
    container.append($('<img>', {
        'class': 'favorite-files-image',
        'src': settings.cdnBase + '/' + uuid + '/-/scale_crop/280x280/center/',
      .on('click', function(e) {
        dialogApi.addFiles([uploadcare.fileFrom('uploaded', uuid, settings)])

As always you can tune appearance via CSS. In the end you get file uploading panel built on Uploadcare infrastructure but with your own logic, look and feel.