Migration guide for @uploadcare/blocks v0.25.0


  1. Configuration in CSS is now deprecated. Although it currently works, it will be removed shortly. In lieu of this, we are introducing a new lr-config block for configuration definitions.

  2. The css-src attribute is now required on solution blocks. This implies that the use of Shadow DOM is enforced.

  3. The ctx-name attribute is required for each block on the page.

  4. Method setUploadMetadata is deprecated in favour of metadata DOM property on the lr-config block.

  5. Method addFiles is deprecated in favour of addFileFromObject

  6. CloudEditor (lr-cloud-editor) solution block is renamed to CloudImageEditor (lr-cloud-image-editor).

  7. CloudImageEditor (lr-cloud-image-editor) activity is renamed to CloudImageEditorActivity (lr-cloud-image-editor-activity).

  8. All solution bundles are prefixed with lr- prefix:

  • file-uploader-regular.min.js -> lr-file-uploader-regular.min.js
  • file-uploader-regular.min.css -> lr-file-uploader-regular.min.css
  • file-uploader-inline.min.js -> lr-file-uploader-inline.min.js
  • file-uploader-inline.min.css -> lr-file-uploader-inline.min.css
  • file-uploader-minimal.min.js -> lr-file-uploader-minimal.min.js
  • file-uploader-minimal.min.css -> lr-file-uploader-minimal.min.css
  1. Solution bundles do not automatically register blocks. You will need to register them manually:
import * as LR from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@uploadcare/blocks/web/lr-file-uploader-regular.min.js'

  1. Bundle blocks.iife.js is renamed to blocks.iife.min.js.

  2. Bundle blocks-browser.min.js is deprecated. Use blocks.iife.min.js instead.

How to migrate


First and foremost, you need to shift all the configuration from CSS to the lr-config block. For instance, if you have the following CSS:

.config {
  --ctx-name: 'my-uploader';
  --cfg-pubkey: 'YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY';
  --cfg-multiple-min: 0;
  --cfg-multiple-max: 3;

Get YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY from API keys.

Move it to the lr-config block:


Subsequently, you should link your solution block to the lr-config block using the ctx-name attribute:


The property names remain the same but without the --cfg prefix. For example, --cfg-pubkey becomes simply pubkey.

See the configuration reference for more details.

Dynamic configuration updates

If you have dynamically updated CSS configuration like this:

const uploader = document.querySelector('lr-file-uploader-regular')
uploader.style.setProperty('--cfg-pubkey', 'YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY')

const uploaderCtx = document.querySelector('lr-upload-ctx-provider')

You need to update it to the following:

const config = document.querySelector('lr-config')
config.setAttribute('pubkey', 'YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY') // using attribute
config.pubkey = 'YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY' // or using DOM property

Both attributes and DOM properties are reactive, so you don't need to call updateCtxCssData anymore.

Shadow DOM and css-src

Shadow DOM is now enforced for all the solution blocks. It means that you need to use css-src attribute to attach CSS to the block.

If you previously attached CSS to the global like this:

<link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@uploadcare/blocks/web/lr-file-uploader-regular.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />

<lr-file-uploader-regular class="lr-wgt-common"></lr-file-uploader-regular>

You need to use css-src attribute instead:


(Other attributes are omitted for brevity)

ctx-name attribute

ctx-name attribute is required for all the blocks now, even if you have only one block on the page. It's used to wire blocks to the lr-config block. For example:

<lr-config ctx-name="my-uploader"></lr-config>
<lr-file-uploader-regular ctx-name="my-uploader"></lr-file-uploader-regular>
<lr-upload-ctx-provider ctx-name="my-uploader"></lr-upload-ctx-provider>
<lr-data-output ctx-name="my-uploader"></lr-data-output>

(Other attributes are omitted for brevity)

Replace setUploadMetadata with metadata DOM property

If you were using setUploadMetadata method like this:

uploaderCtxProvider.setUploadMetadata({ foo: 'bar' })

You need to replace it with metadata DOM property on the lr-config block:

const config = document.querySelector('lr-config')
config.metadata = { foo: 'bar' }
// or
config.metadata = () => Promise.resolve({ foo: 'bar' })

See the configuration reference for more details.

Replace addFiles with addFileFromObject

If you were using addFiles method like this:

const file = new File(["foo"], "foo.txt", {
  type: "text/plain",

You need to replace it with addFileFromObject:

const file = new File(["foo"], "foo.txt", {
  type: "text/plain",

In case of multiple files, you need to call addFileFromObject for each file:

const files = [
  new File(["1"], "1.txt", {
    type: "text/plain",
  new File(["2"], "2.txt", {
    type: "text/plain",
for(const file of files) {

See the addFileFromObject reference for more details.

Rename CloudEditor -> CloudImageEditor

If you were using a standalone lr-cloud-editor solution block, you need to rename it to lr-cloud-image-editor like this:


Rename CloudImageEditor -> CloudImageEditorActivity

If you were using lr-cloud-image-editor activity block inside your custom Symbiote.js templates, you need to rename it to lr-cloud-image-editor-activity like this:

FileUploaderRegular.template = /* HTML */ `

  <lr-modal strokes block-body-scrolling>
      <lr-drop-area with-icon clickable></lr-drop-area>
      <lr-source-list wrap></lr-source-list>
    <!-- here it is -->


Rename imported JS and CSS bundles

Just rename all the imports according to the following table:

Old nameNew name

For example:

<script type="module">
  import * as LR from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@uploadcare/blocks/web/file-uploader-regular.min.js";

<lr-config ctx-name="my-uploader" pubkey="YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY"></lr-config>



<script type="module">
    import * as LR from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@uploadcare/blocks/web/lr-file-uploader-regular.min.js";

<lr-config ctx-name="my-uploader" pubkey="YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY"></lr-config>


Call registerBlocks manually

If you have installed blocks using min.js bundles, you need to call registerBlocks manually:

<script type="module">
  import * as LR from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@uploadcare/blocks/web/lr-file-uploader-regular.min.js";

Rename blocks.iife.js to blocks.iife.min.js

If you previously used the blocks.iife.js bundle, you need to rename it to blocks.iife.min.js as follows:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@uploadcare/blocks/web/blocks.iife.min.js" async />

Rename blocks-browser.min.js to blocks.iife.min.js

If you were using the connectBlocksFrom method in conjunction with the blocks-browser.min.js bundle, you need to rename it to blocks.iife.min.js, as shown below:

  (LR) => {
    //  ...

If you were using blocks-browser.min.js via a script tag with type="module", you need to rename it to blocks.min.js, as shown below:

<script type="module">
  import * as LR from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@uploadcare/blocks/web/blocks.min.js';


If you were using blocks-browser.min.js via a script tag without type="module", you need to rename it to blocks.iife.min.js, as shown below:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@uploadcare/blocks/web/blocks.iife.min.js" async />