Function "onUploading" available?

Hi I’ve found there is the “onUploadComplete” function that can be called on widget.

$ ->
widget = uploadcare.SingleWidget(’[role=uploadcare-uploader]’)
widget.onUploadComplete (info) ->
# assign image to image tag
$(’.js-profile-img’).attr ‘src’, info.cdnUrl

Do we have a function when uploading file for exemple ?

$ ->
widget = uploadcare.SingleWidget(’[role=uploadcare-uploader]’)
widget.onUploading () ->
// do some stuff…
$(’.uploadcare–widget__button_type_open’).attr(‘disabled’, true)

I don’t find it in the documentation.

Thanks a lot for your help !

Ok get it :

$ ->
widget = uploadcare.SingleWidget(’[role=uploadcare-uploader]’)
widget.onChange () ->
$(’.uploadcare–widget__button_type_open’).attr(‘disabled’, true)