
If the request fails, Upload API returns an error response. Error responses are returned in the form of a JSON object with an error code, an HTTP status code and an error message. The following errors are possible.

Error codeHTTP status codeError message
Base upload errors:
AccountBlockedError403Account has been blocked.
AccountLimitsExceededError403Account has reached its limits.
AccountUnpaidError403Account has been blocked for non-payment.
AutostoreDisabledError403Autostore is disabled.
BaseViewsError400Request processing failed.
FileMetadataKeyDuplicatedError400File’s metadata key %s has a duplicate.
FileMetadataKeyEmptyError400File’s metadata key can not be empty.
FileMetadataKeyForbiddenError400File’s metadata key %s contains symbols not allowed by the metadata key format.
FileMetadataKeyLengthTooBigError400Length of file metadata key %s can not be more than %d symbols.
FileMetadataKeysNumberTooBigError400A file can not have more than %d metadata keys.
FileMetadataValueEmptyError400Value of the file metadata key %s can not be empty.
FileMetadataValueForbiddenError400Value of file metadata key %s contains symbols not allowed by the metadata value format.
FileMetadataValueLengthTooBigError400Value of file metadata’s key %s can not be more than %d symbols in length.
FileSizeLimitExceededError400File is too large.
MethodNotAllowedError405HTTP method %s is not allowed for %s.
NullCharactersForbiddenError400Null characters are not allowed.
PostRequestParserFailedError400HTTP POST request parsing failed.
ProjectPublicKeyInvalidError403%s is invalid.
ProjectPublicKeyRemovedError403Project %s is marked as removed.
ProjectPublicKeyRequiredError403%s is required.
RequestFileNumberLimitExceededError400The request contains too many files.
RequestFiledsNumberLimitExceededError400The request contains too many HTTP POST fields.
RequestSizeLimitExceededError413The size of the request is too large.
RequestThrottledError429Request was throttled.
SignatureExpirationError403Expired signature.
SignatureExpirationInvalidError400expire must be a UNIX timestamp.
SignatureExpirationRequiredError400expire is required.
SignatureInvalidError403Invalid signature.
SignatureRequiredError400signature is required.
UploadAPIError500Internal error.
UploadFailedError403Upload failed.
FromURL upload errors:
DownloadFileError500Failed to download the file.
DownloadFileHTTPClientError500HTTP client error: %s.
DownloadFileHTTPNetworkError500HTTP network error: %s.
DownloadFileHTTPServerError500HTTP server error: %s.
DownloadFileHTTPURLValidationError500HTTP URL validation error: %s.
DownloadFileInternalServerError500Internal server error.
DownloadFileNotFoundError500Downloaded file not found.
DownloadFileSizeLimitExceededError500Downloaded file is too big: %s > %s.
DownloadFileTaskFailedError500Download task failed.
DownloadFileTimeLimitExceededError500Failed to download the file within the allotted time limit of %s seconds.
DownloadFileValidationFailedError500File validation error: %s
File upload errors:
FileIdInvalidError400file_id is invalid.
FileIdNotUniqueError400File id must be unique.
FileIdRequiredError400file_id is required.
FileNotFoundError404File is not found.
FileRequiredError400There should be a file.
FilesNumberLimitExceededError400There are too many files.
FilesRequiredError400Request does not contain files.
InternalRequestForbiddenError403Forbidden request.
InternalRequestInvalidError400Incorrect request.
MultipartFileAlreadyUploadedError400File is already uploaded.
MultipartFileCompletionFailedError400Can not complete upload. Wrong parts size?
MultipartFileIdRequiredError400uuid is required.
MultipartFileNotFoundError404File is not found.
MultipartFileSizeLimitExceededError400File size exceeds project limit.
MultipartFileSizeTooSmallError400File size can not be less than %d bytes. Please use direct upload instead of multipart.
MultipartPartSizeInvalidError400Multipart Upload Part Size should be an integer.
MultipartPartSizeTooBigError400Multipart Upload Part Size can not be more than %d bytes.
MultipartPartSizeTooSmallError400Multipart Upload Part Size can not be less than %d bytes.
MultipartSizeInvalidError400size should be an integer.
MultipartUploadSizeTooLargeError400Uploaded size is more than expected.
MultipartUploadSizeTooSmallError400File size mismatch. Not all parts uploaded?
RequestParamRequiredError400%s is required.
SourceURLRequiredError400source_url is required.
TokenRequiredError400token is required.
UUIDInvalidError400uuid is invalid.
UploadViewsError400Upload request processing failed.
UploadcareFileIdDuplicatedError400UPLOADCARE_FILE_ID is duplicated. You are probably a lottery winner.
UploadcareFileIdInvalidError400UPLOADCARE_FILE_ID should be a valid UUID.
UploadcareFileIdRequiredError400UPLOADCARE_FILE_ID is required.
File group errors:
GroupFileURLParsingFailedError400This is not a valid file URL: %s.
GroupFilesInvalidError400No files[N] parameters found.
GroupFilesNotFoundError400Some files not found.
GroupIdRequiredError400group_id is required.
GroupNotFoundError404group_id is invalid.
GroupViewsError400Request to group processing failed.
File content validation errors:
FileInfectedError400The file is infected by %s virus.
FileTypeForbiddenError400Uploading of these file types is not allowed.
URL validation errors:
HostnameNotFoundError400Host does not exist.
URLBlacklistedError400Source is blacklisted.
URLHostMalformedError400URL host is malformed.
URLHostPrivateIPForbiddenError400Only public IPs are allowed.
URLHostRequiredError400No URL host supplied.
URLParsingFailedError400Failed to parse URL.
URLRedirectsLimitExceededError400Too many redirects.
URLSchemeInvalidError400Invalid URL scheme.
URLSchemeRequiredError400No URL scheme supplied.
URLValidationError400Failed to validate URL.
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