Android API Client and File Uploader

Android (Kotlin and Java) integration handles uploads and file operations by wrapping Uploadcare Upload API and REST API. This comprehensive API client lets you use most of the Uploadcare features from within your Android app. It also includes a native uploading widget.

GitHub →


Concise and easy-to-use library without extra resources and drawables.

Uploading (Upload API):

  • Upload files from a file, byte array, URL, URI and cloud sources (up to 5 TB)
  • Multipart uploading for large files
  • Uploading network to speed uploading jobs (like CDN)

File uploading widget:

  • Upload files from a local disk, camera, and cloud sources
  • Track, pause and continue multipart uploading
  • Background uploading
  • Bulk file uploading
  • Material design Uploader appearance customization and styles

File management (REST API):

  • Get file info and perform various operations (store/delete/copy) with them
  • Work with groups of files
  • Get info about account project
  • Manage webhooks
  • Convert documents
  • Encode and transform videos
  • Paginated resource fetching
  • Synchronous and asynchronous operation modes

Image processing (URL API):

  • CDN path builder
  • Compression
  • Geometry
  • Colors
  • Definition
  • Image and text overlays
  • Rotations
  • Recognition
  • File info
  • Proxy (fetch)


  • Secure authentication
  • Secure uploads (signed uploads)
  • Secure delivery (signed URLs)

Installation from Maven Central

The latest stable versions are available at Maven Central.

To include API client and uploading widget in your Android project, add this line to the '' file:

implementation ''
implementation ''


REST API requires both public and secret keys. If you use Upload API only, you can specify just "YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY". Get your Public and Secret API keys.


val uploadcare = UploadcareClient("YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY", "YOUR_SECRET_KEY")


UploadcareClient uploadcare = new UploadcareClient("YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY", "YOUR_SECRET_KEY");

For uploading widget, place your Uploadcare public/private keys into ../res/strings.xml file:

    <!--Replace with your public/secret keys to use UploadcareWidget. Private key is optional, required only if you use Rest API features.-->
    <string name="uploadcare_public_key" translatable="false">place_uploadcare_public_key_here</string>
    <string name="uploadcare_secret_key" translatable="false">place_uploadcare_secret_key_here</string>


You can use both synchronous and asynchronous operations.

Asynchronous file info fetch


        context, // Context
        "YOUR_FILE_UUID", // File UUID
        object : UploadcareFileCallback {
            override fun onFailure(e: UploadcareApiException) {
                // Handle errors.

            override fun onSuccess(result: UploadcareFile) {
                // Successfully fetched file.


        context, // Context
        "YOUR_FILE_UUID", // File UUID
        new UploadcareFileCallback() {
            public void onFailure(@NotNull UploadcareApiException e) {
                // Handle errors.

            public void onSuccess(@NonNull UploadcareFile result) {
                // Successfully fetched file.

Synchronous file info fetch


val file = uploadcare.getFile("YOUR_FILE_UUID")


UploadcareFile file = uploadcare.getFile("YOUR_FILE_UUID");

Find out more examples in the API client documentation for Android at GitHub.

Using Upload API

You can use both synchronous and asynchronous operations.

Asynchronous file upload


val context = ...// Context
val fileUri = ...//resource representing file (File/Uri/InputStream/ByteArray/String types are supported).
val uploader = FileUploader(uploadcare, fileUri, context) // Use "MultipleFilesUploader" for multiple files.
    // Other upload parameters.

uploader.uploadAsync(object : UploadFileCallback {
    override fun onFailure(e: UploadcareApiException) {
        // Handle errors.

    override fun onProgressUpdate(
                        bytesWritten: Long,
                        contentLength: Long,
                        progress: Double) {
        // Upload progress info.

    override fun onSuccess(result: UploadcareFile) {
        // Successfully uploaded file to Uploadcare.

// Cancel upload in progress.


Context context = ...// Context
Uri fileUri = ...//resource representing file (File/Uri/InputStream/ByteArray/String types are supported).
Uploader uploader = new FileUploader(uploadcare, fileUri, context) // Use "MultipleFilesUploader" for multiple files.
    // Other upload parameters.

uploader.uploadAsync(new UploadFileCallback() {
    public void onFailure(UploadcareApiException e) {
        // Handle errors.

    public void onProgressUpdate(
                        Long bytesWritten,
                        Long contentLength,
                        Double progress) {
        // Upload progress info.

    public void onSuccess(UploadcareFile file) {
        // Successfully uploaded file to Uploadcare.

// Cancel upload in progress.

Synchronous file upload


val context = ...// Context
val fileUri = ...//resource representing file (File/Uri/InputStream/ByteArray/String types are supported).
val uploader = FileUploader(uploadcare, fileUri, context) // Use "MultipleFilesUploader" for multiple files.
    // Other upload parameters.

try {
    val file = uploader.upload()
    // Successfully uploaded file to Uploadcare.
} catch (e: UploadFailureException) {
    // Handle errors.


Context context = ...// Context
Uri fileUri = ...//resource representing file (File/Uri/InputStream/ByteArray/String types are supported).
Uploader uploader = new FileUploader(uploadcare, fileUri, context) // Use "MultipleFilesUploader" for multiple files.
    // Other upload parameters.

try {
    UploadcareFile file = uploader.upload();
    // Successfully uploaded file to Uploadcare.
} catch (UploadFailureException e) {
    // Handle errors.

Find out more examples in the API client documentation for Android at GitHub.

Using uploading widget

You can select and upload file from any available local file, camera, external source, Activity/Fragment.


// Register Activity Result Launcher
val uploadcareLauncher = registerForActivityResult(UploadcareActivityResultContract) { result ->
    result?.let {
        //handle result.

// Launch UploadcareWidget
val params = UploadcareWidgetParams() // set parameters for upload


// Register Activity Result Launcher
ActivityResultLauncher<UploadcareWidgetParams> uploadcareLauncher = registerForActivityResult(UploadcareActivityResultContract.INSTANCE, result -> {
    if (result != null) {
        // handle result.

// Launch UploadcareWidget
UploadcareWidgetParams params = new UploadcareWidgetParams(); // set parameters for upload

Find out more examples in the uploading widget documentation for Android at GitHub.

  • Integration with Java