If the request fails, Upload API returns an error response. Error responses are returned in the form of a JSON object with an error code, an HTTP status code and an error message. The following errors are possible.
Error code | HTTP status code | Error message |
Base upload errors: | ||
AccountBlockedError | 403 | Account has been blocked. |
AccountLimitsExceededError | 403 | Account has reached its limits. |
AccountUnpaidError | 403 | Account has been blocked for non-payment. |
AutostoreDisabledError | 403 | Autostore is disabled. |
BaseViewsError | 400 | Request processing failed. |
FileMetadataKeyDuplicatedError | 400 | File’s metadata key %s has a duplicate. |
FileMetadataKeyEmptyError | 400 | File’s metadata key can not be empty. |
FileMetadataKeyForbiddenError | 400 | File’s metadata key %s contains symbols not allowed by the metadata key format. |
FileMetadataKeyLengthTooBigError | 400 | Length of file metadata key %s can not be more than %d symbols. |
FileMetadataKeysNumberTooBigError | 400 | A file can not have more than %d metadata keys. |
FileMetadataValueEmptyError | 400 | Value of the file metadata key %s can not be empty. |
FileMetadataValueForbiddenError | 400 | Value of file metadata key %s contains symbols not allowed by the metadata value format. |
FileMetadataValueLengthTooBigError | 400 | Value of file metadata’s key %s can not be more than %d symbols in length. |
FileSizeLimitExceededError | 400 | File is too large. |
MethodNotAllowedError | 405 | HTTP method %s is not allowed for %s. |
NullCharactersForbiddenError | 400 | Null characters are not allowed. |
PostRequestParserFailedError | 400 | HTTP POST request parsing failed. |
ProjectPublicKeyInvalidError | 403 | %s is invalid. |
ProjectPublicKeyRemovedError | 403 | Project %s is marked as removed. |
ProjectPublicKeyRequiredError | 403 | %s is required. |
RequestFileNumberLimitExceededError | 400 | The request contains too many files. |
RequestFiledsNumberLimitExceededError | 400 | The request contains too many HTTP POST fields. |
RequestSizeLimitExceededError | 413 | The size of the request is too large. |
RequestThrottledError | 429 | Request was throttled. |
SignatureExpirationError | 403 | Expired signature. |
SignatureExpirationInvalidError | 400 | expire must be a UNIX timestamp. |
SignatureExpirationRequiredError | 400 | expire is required. |
SignatureInvalidError | 403 | Invalid signature. |
SignatureRequiredError | 400 | signature is required. |
UploadAPIError | 500 | Internal error. |
UploadFailedError | 403 | Upload failed. |
FromURL upload errors: | ||
DownloadFileError | 500 | Failed to download the file. |
DownloadFileHTTPClientError | 500 | HTTP client error: %s. |
DownloadFileHTTPNetworkError | 500 | HTTP network error: %s. |
DownloadFileHTTPServerError | 500 | HTTP server error: %s. |
DownloadFileHTTPURLValidationError | 500 | HTTP URL validation error: %s. |
DownloadFileInternalServerError | 500 | Internal server error. |
DownloadFileNotFoundError | 500 | Downloaded file not found. |
DownloadFileSizeLimitExceededError | 500 | Downloaded file is too big: %s > %s. |
DownloadFileTaskFailedError | 500 | Download task failed. |
DownloadFileTimeLimitExceededError | 500 | Failed to download the file within the allotted time limit of %s seconds. |
DownloadFileValidationFailedError | 500 | File validation error: %s |
File upload errors: | ||
FileIdInvalidError | 400 | file_id is invalid. |
FileIdNotUniqueError | 400 | File id must be unique. |
FileIdRequiredError | 400 | file_id is required. |
FileNotFoundError | 404 | File is not found. |
FileRequiredError | 400 | There should be a file. |
FilesNumberLimitExceededError | 400 | There are too many files. |
FilesRequiredError | 400 | Request does not contain files. |
InternalRequestForbiddenError | 403 | Forbidden request. |
InternalRequestInvalidError | 400 | Incorrect request. |
MultipartFileAlreadyUploadedError | 400 | File is already uploaded. |
MultipartFileCompletionFailedError | 400 | Can not complete upload. Wrong parts size? |
MultipartFileIdRequiredError | 400 | uuid is required. |
MultipartFileNotFoundError | 404 | File is not found. |
MultipartFileSizeLimitExceededError | 400 | File size exceeds project limit. |
MultipartFileSizeTooSmallError | 400 | File size can not be less than %d bytes. Please use direct upload instead of multipart. |
MultipartPartSizeInvalidError | 400 | Multipart Upload Part Size should be an integer. |
MultipartPartSizeTooBigError | 400 | Multipart Upload Part Size can not be more than %d bytes. |
MultipartPartSizeTooSmallError | 400 | Multipart Upload Part Size can not be less than %d bytes. |
MultipartSizeInvalidError | 400 | size should be an integer. |
MultipartUploadSizeTooLargeError | 400 | Uploaded size is more than expected. |
MultipartUploadSizeTooSmallError | 400 | File size mismatch. Not all parts uploaded? |
RequestParamRequiredError | 400 | %s is required. |
SourceURLRequiredError | 400 | source_url is required. |
TokenRequiredError | 400 | token is required. |
UUIDInvalidError | 400 | uuid is invalid. |
UploadViewsError | 400 | Upload request processing failed. |
UploadcareFileIdDuplicatedError | 400 | UPLOADCARE_FILE_ID is duplicated. You are probably a lottery winner. |
UploadcareFileIdInvalidError | 400 | UPLOADCARE_FILE_ID should be a valid UUID. |
UploadcareFileIdRequiredError | 400 | UPLOADCARE_FILE_ID is required. |
File group errors: | ||
GroupFileURLParsingFailedError | 400 | This is not a valid file URL: %s. |
GroupFilesInvalidError | 400 | No files[N] parameters found. |
GroupFilesNotFoundError | 400 | Some files not found. |
GroupIdRequiredError | 400 | group_id is required. |
GroupNotFoundError | 404 | group_id is invalid. |
GroupViewsError | 400 | Request to group processing failed. |
File content validation errors: | ||
FileInfectedError | 400 | The file is infected by %s virus. |
FileTypeForbiddenError | 400 | Uploading of these file types is not allowed. |
URL validation errors: | ||
HostnameNotFoundError | 400 | Host does not exist. |
URLBlacklistedError | 400 | Source is blacklisted. |
URLHostMalformedError | 400 | URL host is malformed. |
URLHostPrivateIPForbiddenError | 400 | Only public IPs are allowed. |
URLHostRequiredError | 400 | No URL host supplied. |
URLParsingFailedError | 400 | Failed to parse URL. |
URLRedirectsLimitExceededError | 400 | Too many redirects. |
URLSchemeInvalidError | 400 | Invalid URL scheme. |
URLSchemeRequiredError | 400 | No URL scheme supplied. |
URLValidationError | 400 | Failed to validate URL. |