Create a file group


Create a file group from a set of already uploaded files.

The most common use case for creating a file group is when a user uploads multiple files at once and then wants to display them together.

Note: A group itself and files within it MUST belong to the same project.

Note: Groups are immutable and the only way to add/remove a file to a group is to create a new one.


This endpoint expects a multipart form.
Public key identifying an Uploadcare project your uploads will go to.
files[]list of stringsRequired
Set of files you want to add to the group. Each element can be a file UUID with or without the applied image processing operations.

signature must be sent along with your upload request if you would like to use signed uploads. The signature should be generated on your backend. Note: the process requires knowledge of your Uploadcare Project’s Secret key. See signed uploads for details.


expire must be sent along with your upload request if you would like to use signed uploads. The parameter defines the time during which your signature is valid. It’s a UNIX timestamp. See signed uploads for details.


This endpoint returns an object.
Group's unique ID.
ISO-8601 date and time when the group was created.
Number of the files in the group.
Group's CDN URL.

Group’s API resource URL. See the REST API documentation for details.

fileslist of anyOptional
The list of files in the group. An array may contain null values if a file has been removed.
ISO-8601 date and time when the group was marked as stored.
