February 22, 2021

On-the-fly image processing updates

{image processing}

  • Now we choose JPEG format for images with totally opaque alpha channel if -/format/auto/ is used and WebP is not available.
  • When the original image is a low-quality JPEG and we need to re-encode it to another format (WebP for instance), we limit the output image’s quality by the original image quality approximation.
  • When the original image is a low-quality JPEG and we need to encode it as JPEG, we reduce the output image’s quality more accurate than before.
  • Face detection for small sized faces is improved.

Perceptual hash for images

{image processing}

File info response includes a value of a perceptual hash calculated using pixel contents of an image. Perceptual hashing is a common fingerprinting technique to quickly compare images and find duplicates or similar images.
