File management with Uploadcare

Implement custom workflows for your uploaded files.

  • Manage files with REST API
  • Webhooks for various events
  • Arbitrary file metadata management
  • AWS S3 integration
  • Video processing
  • Document conversion
  • Unsafe content moderation
  • Object recognition
  • Malware protection
  • API clients for popular platforms

Once uploaded, you can manage files using REST API and project storage settings.

How it works

Manage your files using REST API directly or with an API client.

$curl "" \
> -H "Accept: application/vnd.uploadcare-v0.7+json" \

Table of Contents

Managing filesUploadcare provides various methods for managing already uploaded files with its REST API
WebhooksSetup webhooks to notify your application about certain events that occur in your project asynchronously
File metadataFile metadata is additional, arbitrary key-value data associated with uploaded files. For example, you could store a unique file identifier from your system
AWS S3 integrationConnect an AWS S3 bucket to one or more of your Uploadcare projects to implement custom file workflows, integrated deeply into your system
Storage backupsAutomatically copy all of you stored files to a custom S3 bucket. Connect the storage once, and the system will do backups on a timely basis
Video processingEncode video files to MP4, WEBM, or OGG, and transform them to adjust the viewing experience, create thumbnails, and save bandwidth
Document conversionConvert documents and create their thumbnails to improve user experience
Unsafe content moderationDetect and identify inappropriate, unwanted, NSFW, or offensive user-generated content
Object recognitionCategorize and tag people, objects, and other content classes in your images
Malware protectionAutomatically detect infected or malicious files to protect your users
REST APILow-level access to Uploadcare features, e.g. CRUD files and their metadata, receive webhooks, and run add-ons
API integrationsYou don’t have to code most of the low-level API integrations. We have high-level libraries for all popular platforms