jQuery File Uploader JavaScript API: Upload dialog and panel

We’ve built the next version of the File Uploader.

Upload dialog is a modal window on top of your page. It contains a set of tabs with different upload sources and file preview. Upload panel is the same thing, just in a non-modal form.

Open Upload dialog

You can use openDialog to open a standalone upload dialog over your page:

1var dialog = uploadcare.openDialog(files, tab, settings);


  • files, a file, file array or group that will be shown as already uploaded.
  • tab, a name of a tab opened by default when no predefined files are present.
  • settings, a settings object.

Open Upload panel

openPanel is used to open an upload panel at any point on your page:

1var panel = uploadcare.openPanel(container, files, tab, settings);


  • container, a selector or DOM element that will be replaced with an upload panel. This will be put back on your panel resolving.
  • files, a file, file array or group that will be shown as already uploaded.
  • tab, a name of a tab opened by default when no predefined files are present.
  • settings, settings object.

Dialog API

Both dialog and panel instances implement the extended jQuery promise interface showing progress on a user tab.

1dialog.done(function(result) {
2 // Dialog closed and a file or file group is selected.
5dialog.fail(function(result) {
6 // Dialog closed and no file or file group was selected.
7 // The result argument is either null or the last selected file.
10dialog.always(function() {
11 // Handles a closing dialog regardless of whether or not files were selected.
14dialog.progress(function(tabName) {
15 // tabName is selected. progress() works when you click a tab name on the list.
16 // Technically, it would work on any dialog progress, i.e. when preview appears.

In addition to the jQuery promise interface, dialog and panel objects have the following properties and methods,

resolve()methodResolve a dialog with currently selected files
reject()methodClose the dialog and discard any file selection
addFiles(FileInstance[]) or addFiles(type: string, any[])methodAdd an array of files to your dialog result set. Accepts file instance array or the same arguments as filesFrom
switchTab(tabName: string)methodSwitch your dialog to a tab with a provided name. The name you provide should be present in the settings.tabs array
fileCollFileCollectionA collection of selected files. Use it to subscribe and change events. See FileCollection API
hideTab(tabName: string)methodHide a tab with a provided name
showTab(tabName: string)methodShow a tab with a provided name
isTabVisible(tabName: string)methodInquire if a tab with a provided name is visible
onTabVisibility()callbackRegister a callback that will be called when tab visibility gets changed. “hideTab()” and “showTab()” provide tab visibility changes. Another example of changing visibility would be Preview Tab. The first argument stands for the tab name, and the second is a boolean related to tab visibility

You can find code examples for solving typical tasks like a Check if a file was added or removed when working with the uploading widget in the instruction JS code snippets and CSS tricks.

Discover more customization examples.

FileCollection API

anyDoneList$.CallbacksFired when file uploading done.
anyFailList$.CallbacksFired when file uploading failed.
anyProgressList$.CallbacksFired on file uploading progress tick.
onAdd$.CallbacksFired when file added.
onRemove$.CallbacksFired when file removed.
onReplace$.CallbacksFired when file is replaced with another one.
onSort$.CallbacksFired on files sort.
onAnyDone(cb)callbackAdd callback to the anyDoneList.
onAnyFail(cb)callbackAdd callback to the anyFailList.
onAnyProgress(cb)callbackAdd callback to the anyProgressList.
lastProgresses()methodGet array of progresses for all files in the collection.
add(file)methodAdd file to the collection.
remove(file)methodRemove file from the collection.
clear()methodRemove all files from the collection.
replace(old, new)methodReplace file with another one.
sort(comparator)methodSort files using given comparator.
get(index)methodGet file by index.
length()methodGet files count.