How to create automatic profile pictures?

Use Uploadcare’s smart cropping to generate standardized user profile pictures automatically. Provide any size input image to produce a standardized picture by cropping irrelevant background areas.

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How to create user profile pictures automatically using smart cropping?

The crop by objects transformation allows you to automatically crops the image to the object specified by the :tag parameter. First, let’s find the face in this image:

First we need to upload the original image

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Let’s find the face in the image:

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In the command above, we specified a percentage. That’s because we don’t want our image to be too tightly cropped on the face. So, we’ve requested an image that is 200% of the width and height of the detected face.

Next, we need to set the image to the right size. Using scale_crop, we scale the detected face to the right size and crop away anything that doesn’t fit into the dimensions we specify.

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Not everyone uses a face in their profile pictures. No problem.

Read more about how to use smart cropping with other objects→