How to upload files using Uploadcare React File Uploader in Next.js

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use Uploadcare’s React File Uploader component to upload files in a Next.js application, customize the file uploader to fit your needs, and design and display optimized images in your Next.js application.

This tutorial is written in JavaScript but can be adapted to TypeScript if preferred. You can follow along with the provided code snippets and convert them to TypeScript as needed.


Before you begin, you need:

Set up Uploadcare

Login to your Uploadcare account and create a new project called uc-next.

On the sidebar, click on the API keys link to retrieve the Public key for the project.

Uploadcare Public keyUploadcare Public key

You will use the Public key in the next steps of this tutorial.

Create a Next.js application

To create a new Next.js application, run the following command in your terminal:

npx create-next-app@14 uc-next

During installation, when prompted, choose the following configurations:

✔ Would you like to use TypeScript?  No
✔ Would you like to use ESLint?  Yes
✔ Would you like to use Tailwind CSS? No
✔ Would you like to use `src/` directory?  No
✔ Would you like to use App Router? (recommended)  Yes
✔ Would you like to customize the default import alias (@/*)? No

Open the uc-next directory in a code editor of your choice and install the Uploadcare React File Uploader:

npm install @uploadcare/react-uploader

In the root of the project, create a .env.local file and add the following environment variable:


Replace YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY with the public key from the Uploadcare dashboard.

Create a file uploader component

In the app directory, remove the page.module.css file and delete the content of global.css as you do not need these styles for this tutorial. Next, replace the content on the page.js with the content:

"use client";
import { useState } from "react";
import { FileUploaderRegular } from "@uploadcare/react-uploader/next";
import "@uploadcare/react-uploader/core.css";

const pubKey = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_UPLOADCARE_PUBLIC_KEY;

export default function Home() {
  const [files, setFiles] = useState([]);
  const handleChangeEvent = (e) => {
      ...e.allEntries.filter((file) => file.status === "success"),


  return (
      <h1>Hello from UC File Uploader</h1>
      <FileUploaderRegular pubkey={pubKey} onChange={handleChangeEvent} />

The code above does the following:

  • Imports the FileUploaderRegular component and initializes it using the pubKey.
  • Imports the CSS styles for the File Uploader component.
  • Creates a files state variable to store files uploaded.
  • Creates a handleChangeEvent function that handles any onChange event triggered by the FileUploaderRegular component.
  • Checks the event e passed to the handleChangeEvent function for an allEntries array and filters the array for files whose status equals success, indicating that those files were uploaded successfully.
  • Logs the files to the console to view the uploaded data.

The allEntries array contains all the files involved in the upload event. This includes both successfully uploaded files and those that may have failed.

In your terminal, run the command npm run dev to start the Next.js server, and you should have a page that looks like this in http://localhost:3000:

Landing page with File Uploader componentLanding page with File Uploader component

Clicking on the “Upload files” button will open the file uploader modal, where you can select files to upload.

File Uploader modalFile Uploader modal

You should see the files state data on your browser console.

Files state browser logsFiles state browser logs

That’s it! You have successfully implemented file upload functionality in Next.js using the Uploadcare File Uploader.

Error handling

In a real-world application, you may want to handle errors that occur during file uploads. The FileUploaderRegular component emits an onFileUploadFailed event when an error occurs during file upload. You can handle this event by creating a handleUploadFailed event handler.

Let’s set the maximum file size a user can upload to the file uploader component using the maxLocalFileSizeBytes property to be 2 MB. If a user tries to upload a file larger than 2 MB, the file upload will fail, and the onFileUploadFailed event will be emitted.

const handleUploadFailed = (e) => {

return (
    <h1>Hello from UC File Uploader</h1>

Try uploading a file larger than 2 MB, and you should see the error message in the browser console.

File size exceeds the limit of 2 MB errorFile size exceeds the limit of 2 MB error

The onFileUploadFailed event emits an errors array of objects with the type of error and message properties. In this case, the error type is FILE_SIZE_EXCEEDED and message is File is too big. Max file size is 2 MB.

Editing uploaded files

Using the Uploadcare File Uploader, you can apply edits such as cropping, effects, and rotation to the uploaded files.

To edit an uploaded file, click the edit icon next to the file.

Edit file iconEdit file icon

This will open the file in the Uploadcare editor, where you can edit the image.

Uploadcare file editorUploadcare file editor

After making the edits, save the file, and the files state will be updated with your changes.

Displaying optimized images

Next.js typically suggests using its Image component to display optimized images in your Next.js application. However, Uploadcare offers an UploadcareImage component that you can utilize to render optimized images and dynamically transform them to meet your specific requirements.

Using Next.js image component

Since images uploaded to Uploadcare are returned via the Uploadcare CDN, add the Uploadcare CDN to your next.config.mjs to inform Next.js where you want to retrieve images from using the following code:

/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
  images: {
    remotePatterns: [
        protocol: 'https',
        hostname: '',
        port: '',
        pathname: '/**',

export default nextConfig;

Next, import the Next.js Image component into your page.js.

import Image from "next/image";

Let’s display the images you uploaded in the previous steps of this tutorial. For this, loop through the array stored in the files state variable and use the cdnUrl field of each item as an image src.

In your page.js file, add the following lines of code:

{ => (
    <div key={file.uuid}>
      <Image src={file.cdnUrl} width={500} height={500} alt={} />

In your browser, upload an image, and you should have the image displayed on the browser.

Uploaded image using Next.js componentUploaded image using Next.js component

Open your browser console to view the image rendered by Next.js Image component.

Browser Logs showing Next.js imageBrowser Logs showing Next.js image

Notice that the image file size is 323 KB.

Using Uploadcare image component

Run the command below to install the UploadcareImage component:

npm install @uploadcare/nextjs-loader

In your .env.local file, add a new env variable:


Using the NEXT_PUBLIC_UPLOADCARE_TRANSFORMATION_PARAMETERS variable, you can tell Uploadcare how to transform the images you want to display. For example:

  • quality/lightest tells Uploadcare to optimize the image to the smallest file size possible with the highest compression ratio while maintaining acceptable quality. This results in approximately 50% of the original file size.
  • progressive/yes tells Uploadcare to load the image in a progressive manner, which improves the loading experience by initially displaying a lower-quality version of the image and gradually enhancing it as more data is downloaded.

In the app/page.js file, import the UploadcareImage component:

import UploadcareImage from "@uploadcare/nextjs-loader";

Next, update the component to render the files using the UploadcareImage component:

{ => (
    <div key={file.uuid}>

You should have the image uploaded via the file uploader displayed on the browser.

Open your browser console to view the image rendered by the UploadcareImage component.

Browser Logs using Uploadcare image componentBrowser Logs using Uploadcare image component

Notice that the image file size is 180 KB.

That’s 44.27% smaller than the image rendered by the Next.js Image component.

For more information about the UploadcareImage component, check out this tutorial on image optimization for Next.js applications.

Transforming images on the fly

Uploadcare offers powerful transformation capabilities that allow you to optimize and manipulate images on the fly, such as smart resizing, cropping effects, and more. These transformations can help improve your application’s performance and visual appeal.

Transforming images in Uploadcare is done by appending transformation properties to the image URL. The general format for transforming images in Uploadcare is:{fileUUID}/-/{transformProperty}/{value}/

Where fileUUID is the unique identifier of the file, transformProperty is the transformation you want to apply to the image and value is the value of the transform property you want.

Let’s apply some transformations to the images uploaded in the previous steps of this tutorial.

In your page.js file, update the UploadcareImage component to include the transformation properties:

{ => (
    <div key={file.uuid}>

This applies a warmth value of -80 and a crop value of 70p (percentage) to both the width and height of the image.

Transformed image using Uploadcare transformationTransformed image using Uploadcare transformation

For a list of all the possible transformations you can apply to images in Uploadcare, check out the Uploadcare transformation documentation.

Customizing File Uploader Component

The File Uploader component can be customized to fit your design and needs. To customize the file uploader, you can pass a className to the FileUploaderRegular component and style it with CSS classes.


In your global.css file, add the following CSS to style the file uploader component:

.file-uploader uc-file-uploader-regular {
  --uc-primary-oklch-light: 70% 0.235 146.65;

This will change the modal color accent in light mode using the OKLCH color space.

File Uploader with customized modal color accent using OKLCH color spaceFile Uploader with customized modal color accent using OKLCH color space

Customizing individual components from the File Uploader

You can also customize the individual components rendered by the File Uploader component using CSS. For example, to change the appearance of the File Uploader button, add the following CSS to your global.css file:

.file-uploader uc-file-uploader-regular uc-simple-btn button {
  width: 500px;
  padding: 20px;
  background-color: #000;
  color: #fff;

This will add a black background color, white text color, and a width of 500px to the File Uploader button.

File Uploader button with custom stylingFile Uploader button with custom styling

For a list of all the possible customizations you can apply to the File Uploader component, check out the File Uploader styling documentation.


Using this tutorial, you have successfully implemented file upload functionality in a Next.js application using the Uploadcare React component. You’ve learned how to set up Uploadcare, create a file uploader component, handle file uploads, and display optimized images using Next.js and Uploadcare image components.

Uploadcare also provides more advanced features, such as image transformation, face-detection-based transformation, and smart cropping. These features can enhance the user experience by providing more dynamic and responsive image-handling capabilities.

To learn more about Uploadcare File Uploader and image transformation, check out the Uploadcare documentation.

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