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How to upload files in Svelte with Uploadcare

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to upload files in your Svelte applications using Uploadcare’s File Uploader component, customize the File Uploader and apply transformation features on the fly.


Before you begin, you need:

Retrieve a Public API key

Head to your Uploadcare Project Dashboard -> API keys and copy the Public API key.

Uploadcare Public keyUploadcare Public key

You will use this key to configure the File Uploader later in this tutorial.

Create a new Svelte.js application

Run the following command to create a new Svelte application using the SvelteKit CLI:

npm create svelte@6.3.10 uc-svelte

During installation, when prompted, choose the following configurations:

During installation, when prompted, choose the following configurations:
◇  Which Svelte app template?
│  Skeleton project
◇  Add type checking with TypeScript?
│  No
◇  Select additional options (use arrow keys/space bar)
│  Add ESLint for code linting, Add Prettier for code formatting

Navigate to the newly created project directory and install all required dependencies:

cd uc-svelte
npm install

Install the File Uploader with the command:

npm install @uploadcare/file-uploader

After installation, in the root of your project, create an .env file and add the following environment variable for the Public Key:


Replace YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY with the Public key from your Uploadcare dashboard.

Next, run the NPM command: npm run dev, and the application should be running on http://localhost:5173/

Create a file uploader component

In the src/routes/+page.svelte file, replace the content with:

	import { onMount } from 'svelte';
	import * as UC from '@uploadcare/file-uploader';
	import '@uploadcare/file-uploader/web/uc-file-uploader-regular.min.css';

	onMount(() => {
	const publicKey = import.meta.env.VITE_UPLOADCARE_PUBLIC_KEY;
	let files = [];
	const handleChangeEvent = (e) => {
		if (e.detail) {
			const uploadedFiles = e.detail.allEntries.filter((file) => file.status === 'success');
			files = uploadedFiles;

	<h1>Hello from UC-Svelte File Uploader</h1>

	<!-- file uploader configuration -->
	<uc-config ctx-name="my-uploader" pubkey={publicKey}></uc-config>

	<!-- context provider for handling events for file uploader -->

	<!-- file uploader component -->

	{#if files.length > 0}
			{#each files as file (file.uuid)}
		<p>No files uploaded</p>

The code above:

  • Imports the File Uploader component UC and its styles
  • Registers the File Uploader component when the Svelte component mounts using the onMount lifecycle function
  • Retrieves the Public key from the environment variable VITE_UPLOADCARE_PUBLIC_KEY
  • Creates a files variable to store the uploaded files
  • Creates an handleChangeEvent function to handle the change events when a file is uploaded, and its status is success
  • Uses the uc-config block to configure the File Uploader with the publicKey
  • Renders the File Uploader component using uc-file-uploader-regular block and configures the actions of the File Uploader using uc-file-uploader-regular block
  • Listens for the change event when a file is uploaded and calls the handleChangeEvent function to handle the event
  • Loops through the files variable and displays the files uploaded via the cdnUrl field.

The different blocks for the File Uploader component uc-config, uc-upload-ctx-provider, and uc-file-uploader-regular are all linked together using the ctx-name attribute.

Clicking on the “Upload files” button will open the File Uploader modal to upload a file. After uploading a file, the image will be displayed on the page.

File Uploader in SvelteFile Uploader in Svelte

Error handling

The file uploader also emits a file-upload-failed events to tell you when an upload fails. You can listen for this event and handle the error accordingly.

For example, say you want users to upload files with a maximum size of 2 MB. First, you can use the max-local-file-size-bytes property to restrict file uploads. If a user tries to upload a file larger than 2 MB, the file upload will fail, and the file-upload-failed event will be emitted.

To implement this, modify the uc-config block to include the max-local-file-size-bytes property:


Next, update the uc-upload-ctx-provider block to listen for the file-upload-failed event:


Then create a handleUploadFailed function in the <script> of the component for handling the event:

const handleUploadFailed = (e) => {

When you try to upload a file larger than 2 MB, you should see the error message in the browser console.

File size exceeds the limit of 2 MB errorFile size exceeds the limit of 2 MB error

Image transformation on the fly

Aside from providing a ready-to-use File Uploader component for your Svelte applications, Uploadcare also offers image transformation features that allow you to transform images on the fly.

These transformations can help you optimize images, reduce file sizes, and improve loading times.

Transforming images in Uploadcare is done by appending transformation properties to the image URL:


Where fileUUID is the file’s unique identifier, transformProperty is the transformation you want to apply to the image, and value is the value of the transform property you want.

Let’s apply some transformations to the images uploaded previously.


This applies a face crop ratio of 1:1 to the image and a filter value of carris to it.

Transformed image using Uploadcare transformation in SvelteTransformed image using Uploadcare transformation in Svelte

For a list of all the transformations you can apply to images, check out the Uploadcare Image Transformations documentation.

Customizing the File Uploader component

You can customize the File Uploader component to fit your application’s design and branding. To do so, apply a class to the uc-file-uploader-regular block and style it using CSS.

For example, let’s change the background color of the File Uploader to light mode using OKLCH color space. Inside the component, create a <style> section with the CSS code:

  .uc-uploader {
    --uc-background-light: oklch(80% 0.1 158);

This will change the background of the modal of the File Uploader to green.

Custom CSS applied to the File Uploader using OKLCH color spaceCustom CSS applied to the File Uploader using OKLCH color space

Check out the File Uploader styling documentation to learn about all the possible customizations you can apply to the File Uploader component.


In this article, you’ve learned how to upload files in your Svelte applications using Uploadcare’s File Uploader component, customize the File Uploader, and apply transformation features to images on the fly.

To further improve your users’ experience, you can explore more features that Uploadcare provides, such as a fast CDN for storing your files, image optimization, and adaptive delivery.

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