Video CDN

Instantly deliver seamless video experiences

Easily enable native video streaming for your website or app. Empower your users with fast uploads and instant video playback without breaking the bank.

Accelerate time to market for on-demand video uploads and streaming

Our clients

  • Zapier
  • UserTesting
  • Sequoia
  • Shogun
  • PandaDoc
  • Soundcloud

Take video uploads and playback from nothing to next-level

Integrate on-demand video-handling infrastructure in minutes and enable immediate playback for your users — no stuck uploads or long processing times.


Quickly integrate uploads for videos of any size with a plug-and-play widget or API.

Uploader image


Enable instant delivery for uploaded video through a multi-vendor global CDN without additional processing.

Save developer time and effort with a streamlined approach to file
upload and delivery integration.

Reduce costs for high-volume video streams

Save on data transfer costs and storage with intelligent, bandwidth-optimized delivery.

Video streaming

Minimize the costs of streaming large unoptimized videos by automatically adapting to user bandwidth and devices.

Stop wasting resources on manual video encoding — format conversion and size happen on the fly.

Save on storage: video transformations are cached in CDN instead of creating a new file for each conversion.

Deliver a superior experience without overspending

Eliminate frustrating buffering and quality degradation with instant, uninterrupted video playback adapted to the user network and device.

Maximize customer reach with videos accessible on any device and at any internet speed.

Release content faster — videos are playable immediately after upload.

Increase viewership and reduce bounce rates with consistently high-quality video content.

Eliminate fragmented workflows for handling videos, images, and documents

Minimize costs and operation overhead with an all-in-one solution for all types of files, not just videos.
Eliminate fragmented workflows

Enable your end-users to upload and consume different types of content, from pictures to video reviews.

Eliminate the cost and complexity of juggling multiple tools to handle different types of files.

Leverage consistent APIs and interfaces across file types for easy integration, automation, and service stability.

All-in-one platform for on-demand video uploads and streaming

  • Adaptive bitrate streaming

    Reduce data transfer costs for high-traffic videos with on-the-fly conversion to H.264 and AV1 formats and resolution that best fit the user’s bandwidth and device.

  • Easy-to-use video player

    Speed video release with our
    plug-and-play player, or integrate the streaming link into your existing player setup.

  • Asynchronous video processing

    Save on encoding operations for low-traffic videos via standalone REST API processing: Change size, quality, and format (MP4, OGG, WEBM).

  • Support for popular upload sources

    Receive files from up to 14 sources, including local storage, camera, Google Photos, Dropbox and OneDrive.

  • Upload of large video files

    Easily process uploads of videos of up to 5TB in size. Included is support for upload of images and documents of any type.

  • File validation

    Granularly control which users can upload files and how long that access is available with signature tokens.

  • Block malicious files

    Uploadcare automatically filters infected files using ClamAV, an open-source antivirus engine.

  • Secure uploads

    Signature tokens give you control over which users can upload files and how long that access is available.

  • Amazon S3 support

    Easily connect your S3 bucket for backup and storage. By default, every file is kept in our storage.

An enterprise-ready solution from a proven vendor

Today, developing and maintaining your own file upload tool is as unnecessary as building your own code repository or file server. Uploadcare covers the whole file-handling pipeline for images, videos, and documents, securely and reliably — so you can spend your time and talent on your own product or service.Contact sales
  • 13+ years on the market
  • Dedicated support and free migration
  • SOC2 and HIPAA compliance
  • Subscription plans from basic to custom
  • 99.99% uptime
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FAQ: Adaptive bitrate streaming billing

How is the cost of adaptive bitrate streaming calculated?

The cost is based on the number of resolution options and the duration of the video. Each resolution is billed separately.

  • Each 10 seconds of video requires 20 operations.
  • The duration is rounded up to the nearest 10 seconds.

For example, a 52-second video with three resolutions (360p, 720p, 1080p) requires: (6 × 20 operations) × 3 resolutions = 360 operations

What resolution options are available for videos?

There are three resolution options: 360p, 720p, and 1080p.

  • The resolution is based on the smaller side of the video.
  • Videos are never upscaled; if the original video is 900p, the highest resolution will remain 900p.
  • If the original video is smaller than 720p or 1080p, those resolutions will not be created.
What happens if my video’s duration doesn’t align with 10-second intervals?

Video durations are rounded up to the nearest 10-second increment. For instance:

  • A 52-second video is rounded up to 60 seconds.
  • Billing is then calculated based on this rounded duration.
Are all resolution options always generated?

No, the resolution options depend on the original video’s quality:

  • If the original video is smaller than a resolution option (e.g., 720p or 1080p), those resolutions are not generated. This ensures no unnecessary upscaling in processing.