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Start using the Uploadcare extension for Google Chrome

We all require a personal internet file storage system at our fingertips at some point.

If you have an assignment due and need to submit a file URL on an urgent basis, or if you like a photo and want to save it online to the cloud, or if you're developing an application and need to display an image or files in it, you'll need file URLs.

You may do this by opening any browser, typing a URL for online storage applications, waiting for the website to load, going to the dashboard, selecting a file to upload, and searching for the URL to utilize it.

Alternatively, you can install an easy-to-use Uploadcare Chrome extension that allows you to upload the file directly to the cloud and instantly access the file URL. The file will be saved in the Chrome extension's history, allowing you to retrieve it anytime you need it.

How to install the extension

Go to Chrome Web Store, find “Uploadcare” extension.

Overview of Uploadcare extension in Chrome Web StoreOverview of Uploadcare extension in Chrome Web Store

Click on Add to Chrome button, and select Add Extension from the popup. This will install the extension to the Chrome browser and make it available for use.

Select the extension from the Extensions panel on the right side of the URL bar.

A form that requires an Uploadcare public keyA form that requires an Uploadcare public key

It will require a Public Key for usage.

Action sequence listed in the Uploadcare Chrome extension: create an account on Uploadcare, go to dashboard, copy the Public Key from API Keys tab, paste key into Chrome extensionAction sequence listed in the Uploadcare Chrome extension

Go to the Uploadcare website, and create an account: https://uploadcare.com.

After logging into the account, go to the Dashboard and select API Keys from the left side of the navigation panel.

A screenshot of the Uploadcare Dashboard containing a public API keyUploadcare Dashboard

Copy the API Key from the Public Key dashboard page, paste it into the input box of the extension, and click on the Select Key button.

The extension is now available for use whenever a file has to be uploaded.

A form of Uploadcare Chrome extension containing one button: Choose a local filePress the button to chooose files to upload

Watch this video tutorial to learn more:

Using the extension

The Uploadcare extension provides multiple sources from which you can upload a file. For example, you can get it from the local file system, from Google Drive, Google Photos, Facebook, or paste the given image’s URL.

A list of upload sources in Uploadcare Chrome extension: Local files Direct link, Facebook, Google DriveList of upload sources

You just need to choose a file, and the extension will upload it to the cloud storage and provide you with a URL:

A link with UID of an uploaded PNG file is displayed in the extension's windowLink to the file on Uploadcare CDN

You can also view a list of previously uploaded images and their URLs:

List of files previously uploaded through tthe Uploadcare Chrome extension, containing links to them on Uploadcare CDNList of previously uploaded files with links to them

Understanding browser extensions

A browser extension is a software program created specifically for browsers that allow users to improve their browsing experience and accomplish specific tasks. These extensions are developed using basic web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JS. You can utilize external libraries like React to create the extension, but it must be built in plain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript before it’s published in the extension store.

So how's it different from web-based applications?

It's just as simple to create a chrome extension as it is to create a web application. Now only the manifest.json file needs to be configured. It is the key file that directs the browser as an extension and contains vital information such as name, description, version, icons, etc. This file is also responsible for displaying the extension popup. We'll be ready to finalize the extension after properly configuring the file.

There are two relevant versions of the manifest for developing browser extensions, each indicating different attributes.

"manifest_version": 2
"manifest_version": 3

Here's an example of how a manifest file looks:

  "short_name": "Name",
  "name": "Name of the extension",
  "manifest_version": 2,
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "Extension Description goes here",
  "icons": {
    "16": "/assets/icon-16.png",
    "32": "/assets/icon-32.png",
    "48": "/assets/icon-48.png",
    "64": "/assets/icon-64.png",
    "128": "/assets/icon-128.png"
  "browser_action": {
    "default_icon": "/assets/icon.png",
    "default_popup": "/src/index.html",
    "default_title": "Title of the Popup"
  "background": {},
  "permissions": []

I used manifest version 3 to configure the Reactjs-based application for this extension.

Testing the extension in the browser

You need to clone the application to test the extension in the local environment.


  1. Git and Node are installed on the local system
  2. Chrome browser is installed

Open the terminal, or command prompt, and type:

$ git clone https://github.com/raghavdhingra/UploadCare-Chrome-Extension.git

Open a code editor (for instance, VS Code) on the base directory of the project folder.

For installing the dependencies of the project, type:

$ npm install

This command will create a node_modules folder in the base directory

Now you need to convert the .env.example file to .env file.

In the .env file, you can define the environment variables that are not visible to other users.

React builds an HTML file that contains inline scripts, which disrupts the Content Security Policy for the browser extensions.

To solve this, you’ll need the given variable defined in the .env file.


Defining it will handle the inline issue with the React build.


You can directly build up the folder and manually move all inline scripts in the index.html file to an external JavaScript file.

Now you have to build up the project to get the plain HTML files. To do this, type

$ npm run build

This will create a folder named build.

You have successfully completed the project setup. It's time to test out the implementation.

Go to the Chrome browser, and insert this link into the URL bar:


Click on the Load Unpacked button, and select the build folder. This action adds a new development extension to your tab, and you’ll be able to check out the extension in the extension bar.

A screenshot of a local extension added to Google ChromeThis is what a new extension is going to look like in Chrome

Now it’s time for you to test it out!

The project is Open-Sourced at https://github.com/raghavdhingra/UploadCare-Chrome-Extension

Hope you like it! :)

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